
Positive Self-Talk


From the time you woke this morning until this very moment, what words did you speak to yourself?  Did you say things like, “You are Great,” “You are making great progress,” “I will make it happen today,” or simply, “Today is going to be a great day?”  If you didn’t, it’s alright, take minute and speak life to yourself right now.  The words you speak to yourself plays a vital role in the state of your mind-set. If you are telling yourself negative things, then chances of focusing on the positivity and optimism can be challenging.  As we teach in our book, “30 Days of Positivity,” If you can begin each morning feeling joyous and in love with yourself, your level of confidence will increase and your ability to love others will be that much greater and that much more fulfilling.”

So, I encourage you to speak greatness to yourself daily.  Love You, enjoy You and most importantly, appreciate You.

Be Purposefully Positive!

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